About Us
The Royal Andalusian Riding School
About Us
The Royal Andalusian Riding School is located in Wellington Florida. We wish to expose the magnificent PRE horses to the world of dressage and show. Sandra Luebbe has studied at the Real Escuela Del Arte Ecuestre in Jerez Spain and is a USDF Gold medal rider which she achieved riding Grand Prix on Samaritano IX, an Andalusian stallion imported from Spain.
Many talented riders would like to achieve and ride Grand Prix. We are now taking on new horses and riders dedicated to the PRE breed in training.
We have a few of our own school masters for clients to take some lessons on to learn the beauty of the PRE and how they move so riders can experience FEI levels and moves. There is no teacher like a well trained school master! This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Lessons are available to secure riders wishing to ride advanced skills of Passage, Piaffe, half pass, and lead changes.
We have assisted many clients find their own PRE horses which they can continue their learning.
We are a proud advocate of the Pure Spanish Horse, showing them in the world class dressage arena up to Grand Prix.